Provide a school assembly that tackles REAL ISSUES.
Today's students endure ongoing battles with bullying, peer pressure, broken families and negative decision making. But by bringing students together, healing some hurts, and helping them make positive life choices, we'll have healthier students and a more positive school atmosphere.
This is where terrence talley’s school assembly comes in.
After an assembly with Terrence, your students will know that they matter, and because of that, they can make a difference. Terrence encourages students to never give up and reminds them that there is always hope; something that they can share with others.
The overwhelming and consistently positive feedback on Terrence's assembly is just a representation of the impact being made on students throughout the country. Book Terrence's incredible assembly at your school to allow your students to experience the powerful impact for themselves.
terrence’s story
Once you hear a Terrence Talley story, you will never forget it! Whether you’re laughing at Terrence talking about jumping out of mashed potatoes or crying while hearing why it’s important that everyone gets a dad hug, you will leave knowing you are not alone and feeling empowered to make a difference.
“The program was outstanding.
In 34 years of education, I have never seen a speaker keep 100% of the students' attention for over an hour. Positive all the way!”
John Edinger, Principal,
Spencerville Middle School