Teen Suicide Prevention: Community Involvement

Teen suicide prevention is, and always will be, a community effort. It is also a problem that must be addressed quickly. In high schools throughout the United States, students are suffering from depression and having suicidal feelings - as evidenced by the following statistics from the Jason Foundation:

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 10-24. 

  • Every day, there is an average of over 3,069 suicide attempts by young people in grades 9-12. 

  • Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs.

    Everyone can do their part to help keep their students from becoming a part of these shocking statistics. 

Playing a Role in Teen Suicide Prevention


The first place to practice teen suicide prevention is in the home. Parents need to develop strong, loving relationships with their children. Communication should always be honest and supportive. If the parents notice any worrisome signs of depression in their teenager, such as sudden lifestyle changes or a decline in academics, they should consult the teen's pediatrician for resources. 

Schools also play a critical role in teen suicide prevention. High school should be a welcoming environment for all students. There needs to be an extensive anti-bullying policy in place to protect students. All of the teachers and staff should be able to identify signs of depression in the students, as well as what to do if someone approaches them and tells them about their thoughts of self-harm or suicide. 

Another way that schools can help with teen suicide prevention is by bringing in a motivational speaker, such as Terrence Talley. Terrence has visited high schools around the country and shared his inspiring stories with thousands of students, teachers, and administrators. His words can inspire teens to reflect on themselves and see that they are truly valued. 

Would you like to have Terrence visit your school and talk to your student body? If so, please do not hesitate to send us a message. We will get back to you to finalize the details as soon as we possibly can. Terrence is proud to be a member of the Relevant Speakers Network!