Teen Suicide Prevention - Why it Should Be Your School's Top Priority

If you are a principal or administrator of a high school in the United States, you would be wise to put together an effective teen suicide prevention plan as soon as possible. A quick look at the following alarming statistics will tell you why:

  • In 2017, suicide was the second leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 15 and 24.

  • In 2017, 17.2% of American high school students reported that they had seriously thought about attempting suicide.

  • In 2017, 7.4% of American high school students attempted to commit suicide.

  • Between 2000 and 2017, the suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 increased by 56%.

Putting together a well-thought-out teen suicide prevention plan can go a long way toward keeping your students from becoming a part of these shocking statistics.


Teen Suicide Prevention: Giving Your Students the Help They Need

Schools tackle teen suicide prevention in a wide variety of ways. Some employ full-time therapists or counselors to speak with students as needed. Others host regular conferences with parents and guardians to discuss mental health and coping mechanisms.

Though these techniques can both be quite effective, many schools have found that having a motivational youth speaker lead an on-site assembly is the best way to deal with the issue of teen suicide. During such an assembly, students can learn how to process their negative thoughts and how to take action to improve their situation in life.

Terrence Talley has been leading teen suicide prevention assemblies in high schools throughout the United States for years. During that time, he has helped countless students to feel more hopeful about their futures. If you would like to have him bring his message of positivity to your school, just give us a call or send us a quick message through our online contact form. Terrence Talley is proud to be a member of the Relevant Speakers Network!

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