Bullying In High School - How To Stop It In Its Tracks

Bullying in high school is, unfortunately, an all-too-common problem in the United States. Though TV shows and movies most often display the physical aspect of this problem, it can come in a wide range of different shapes and sizes, such as:

• Verbal bullying

• Social bullying

• Cyberbullying

• Sexual bullying

• Prejudicial bullying

As an administrator, it is essential that you have a plan in place to address this serious issue. Why?

Well, bullying can have a serious impact on a teen, often causing depression. In fact, students who experience bullying in high school are 2.2 times more likely to have suicide ideation than those who do not. Dangerous behaviors like violence and substance abuse can also occur as a result of being picked on in school.

Stopping Bullying In High School - Terrence Talley Is Here To Help


So, how can bullying in high school be stopped? Schools and teachers can develop plans to handle reports of bullying. Picked-on teenagers tend to experience much better outcomes when they can talk to someone they trust about their issues. Some organizations may even offer peer groups where students can talk with a trusted support group, led by an adult.

Motivational speakers like Terrence Talley can also visit educational facilities to talk with the students about bullying in high school. Sometimes, it takes a person from outside the school environment to help students truly understand the negative effects of bullying and learn more about how they can do their part to prevent it.

Would you like to have Terrence come to your school and speak to your students about the dangers of bullying? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us online. Once we receive your message, we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a time and date that works well for everybody.