How Great Motivational Speakers Like Terrence Can Help Teens Make Smart Decisions

Teenagers face tough choices just about every day - from deciding whether or not they should take that can of beer from their friend to figuring out which classes they need to take to get into their dream college course. But who can they turn to for help making the right calls? For many teens, great motivational speakers like Terrence Talley prove to be an invaluable resource.

How Great Motivational Speakers Like Terrence Can Be a Guiding Light for Teens


Some teens can feel that the adults in their lives do not understand or care what they are going through on a daily basis. As a result, they may begin to feel downtrodden or unenthusiastic about life. By displaying empathy and regaling them with relatable stories, great motivational speakers can help them to feel inspired and keep them moving in the right direction.

For example, teens often experience peer pressure to do something that they do not want to do, such as take drugs or spread rumors about someone online. They may initially feel awkward or uncomfortable standing up for themselves and doing the right thing for fear of losing friends. However, after listening to a motivational speaker, they can develop the self-confidence and problem-solving skills they need to say no.

Similarly, it is not uncommon for students to feel scared and anxious when they have a big exam coming up. Without proper guidance, these feelings can quickly overcome them and cause them to perform poorly. When they listen to an experienced motivational speaker, however, teens can learn that they can use their fear to drive them to study hard and ace their tests.

If you are looking for a great motivational speaker to address your class, Terrence Talley is a superb choice. He has been inspiring growth in students across the country for years, and he is more than ready to bring his message to your school. To make a booking, all you need to do is send us a message online. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.